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What colour should I use for my logo?

What colour should I use for my logo? The meaning of COLOUR:

Colours mean many different things

Very often, we ask ourselves the question: What colour should I use for my logo? Although colour is abstract, it is a form of non verbal communication and it communicates so much in so many ways. It is able to create many different reactions and feelings. Its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual depending on the mood. The meaning of colors can vary depending on culture and circumstances. Each color has many aspects to it.

Knowing the general meaning of each colour will help you choose the colours to be used in your logo depending on the market that you’re trying to reach. However, at the end of the day, colours should signify something to you and perhaps your target market.

To help you answer the question: What colour should I use for my logo? Here are some examples of the different meanings of colours:


Red is a very powerful colour that drives attention. In a lot of cases, red is empowering and sometimes dominating. According to many psychologists, red reflects energy and can motivate an individual to take action. Some of the words that come to mind when seeing red are:

Outstanding, danger, prohibited, strength, courage, excitement, desire, power, speed, passion, love, sexy, aggression, heat, fire, intense and passionate.


This colour usually communicates love, tranquility, tenderness and sweetness. It is the favourite colour of most girls. The color psychology of pink is unconditional love and nurturing. Pink is now being related to Breast Cancer since this colour is used in the symbol against the disease. Some words associated with this colour include:

Romance, love,  charm, beauty, sweetness, feminine, delicacy, refinement, calming, nurture, security, warmth, tenderness, intuitive, refined, sophisticated, reserved, calm, non-violent, girlish, fight against breast cancer.


Orange is a vibrant and fun colour that draws attention.  That is why, orange is many times used to indicate to consumers that an expensive product is on sale. Orange is a colour that people might not love but they do not dislike either.  Some of the words associated with this colour include:

Warmth, energy, balance, enthusiasm, flamboyant, creativity, courage, joy, extroverted, good natured, demanding of attention, good deal.


Yellow is the colour of the sun, that makes most of us smile once it brightens the sky. Yellow produces sensations of brightness and warmth as it remind us of warm, sunny days. This is by far my favourite colour. Yellow is the second most visually attractive colour after red. Words associated with this colour include:

Bright, original, imaginative, joy, happiness, idealistic, creative, artistic, spiritual, optimism, intellect, love of learning, light, sunshine, summer, fold, philosophy, cheer, hope, happiness, energy, positive and good energy.


Green nowadays is related to being eco-friendly. This colour provides a sense of tranquility, calmness and serenity to people. That is why many schools decide to paint their classrooms in this colour.  Green communicates peace and is considered a fresh, clean and revitalizing colour that speaks of ecology and nature.

I read that “green is favoured by the trendsetter market segment. They are the opinion leaders, who like newness and spreading the word.” Words associated with this colour include:

Calm, health,  wealth (money), spring, calm, ecologic, sympathy, renewal, fertility, life, new growth, energy, faith, nature, environment, good luck, fresh, cool, youth, vigour, hope, abundance and generosity.


Blue is a very popular colour and one of the most liked among the general public. It is a colour that can be used with all other colours and it goes well. Many people also consider it to be a “safe” colour to use. Blue is associated with the sky and the sea and evokes peaceful feelings. It is regarded as therapeutic to the mind and body. The blue colours communicate strength and unity to your market. Words associated with this colour include:

Water, sky, trust, wisdom, tranquillity, confidence, conservatism, reliability, belonging, coolness, quiet, truth, seriousness, harmony, serenity, patience, perseverance, peace, intelligence, unity, reassurance, trust, security, solitude, hope, generosity, cleanliness, cold and loyalty.


Purple is considered a ‘spiritual’ colour. It is a sophisticated colour that can communicate power, strength and courage. Deep purple is associated with royalty, wealth or richness and has been worn by kings, queens and emperors for many centuries. Light purple is the colour of lilacs and lavender evoking light hearted, romantic, peacefulness and nostalgic feelings. Words associated with this colour include:

Independence, mystical, intuition, intellectual, spiritual, creativity, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, royalty, nobility, ceremony, richness, power, sensitivity, tranquility, passion, love, dignity, sensitivity, vanity and moodiness.


By definition black is the negation of colour; therefore, it creates a negative effect in some people since it is associated with death and mourning. Black can be intimidating to some people because it is too formal and powerful. Black may be simply too heavy and depressing for some people to handle. Words associated with this colour include:

Power, elegance, sophistication, formality, wealth, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, mourning, death (western culture), vampires, mysterious, underground, remorse, seductive, sexy and gothic.


White represents purity and innocence. In western cultures, it is the preferred colour for marriage; however it represents death in the Chinese culture. People who prefer white tend to be neat and immaculate in their clothing and homes. White can signify a simplistic way of life. White is sometimes seen as being a very sterile colour being psychologically connected with hospitals, nurses, uniforms, doctors and dentists. However it is often used in warm countries to feel fresh and cool. Words associated with this colour include:

Cleanliness, purity, chastity, virginal, youth, simplicity, clean, immaculate, fresh, bright, blinding, reverence, peace, humility, precision, impeccable, innocence, birth, winter, snow, good, cold, clinical, sterile, mild and spirituality.


Grey is the combination of black and white and is the most neutral of all the shades. It is a conservative colour and good for use as a background colour. Words associated with this colour include:

Security, maturity, reliability, cool, conservative, composed, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, elegance, solid, practical, old age, sadness and boring. Grey can also signify psychologically gloominess, sadness, ghosts, ashes, spider webs, and the dust of a haunted house and other scary things.


Brown is the colour of chocolate, so how can you not like it. Sometimes brown can be used as a neutral and sometimes as a warm colour. It is the colour of the soil so it represents productivity and harvest. Words associated with this colour include:

Strength, solidity, maturity, credibility, stability, simplicity, comfort, quality, harmony, outdoors, reliability, endurance, hearth, home and earth.


The color silver has a feminine energy; it is related to the moon and to jewellery. Silver is associated with the words sensitive, mysterious, emotional, prestige, cold, scientific.


Gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the color psychology of gold implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance. Gold evokes the feelings of prestige and of being expensive.

What is the right colour for my business logo?

Choosing the right colour or colours for your logo is a very personal choice. Choose the colour or colours that you like the best and that suit your company’s profile.

If you would like to have a group of professional graphic designers design your logo and suggest the best colours for your business, please contact the iGo Sales and Marketing team. We will be glad to help.


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