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Video Search Engine Optimization: A ticket to the first page of Google?

video search engine optimization

Video Search Engine Optimization is an effective way to increase your online marketing efforts and not only increases your chances of being found on the first page of Google, but significantly increases conversions and click-throughs.  This article is going to highlight the key benefits of video search engine optimization and how videos can help you grow your business.

What are the benefits of Video for Search Engine Optimization?

Video Increases Engagement

One of the key factors Google considers in ranking your website is the engagement of your website visitors.  Google measures engagement by the time people spend on your site and the abandonment rate.  Think about it, when you visit a website that is a page of text, you can visually scan the page in less than 30 seconds, determine if you want to read more or not and then either stay or click away.  If you stay, this is engagement.  Now imagine a video.  If a video is on the page, you click it.  You will at least watch a minute or two before making a decision to watch the rest or not.  By default, the video has just increase engagement from below 30 seconds to above a minute!  Just because there’s a video there.  Increased engagement means better page rank and a higher ranking in search results.

“An August 2010 study by Comscore backs this up, showing that on average, people stayed two minutes longer on a website when they watched video.”

Video Increases Purchases

Video is a great way to increase purchase or conversions on your website. There’s lots of data to back this up.  Having a video on your site is like having a personal expert there to explain what your product or service is all about,

According to Invodo, 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them feel more confident about going ahead and making a purchase.

When selling a product, videos increase sales.  An online retailer Zappos found,

According to econsultancy, Zappos found that sales increased by between 6% and 30% on products with product videos.

Services benefit from video as well and can increase online conversion rates.  According to the popular web storage and data sharing Drop Box,

Dropbox found that they increased their conversion rate by over 10% by adding video to their homepage.

Video Search Engine Optimization Increases Traffic

A video on your website not only increases the effectiveness of your website by increasing conversions and sales, but it also increases traffic to your website.  To understand why, you must understand Google Universal Search.

Google Universal Search included  videos and pictures in search results that are related to the search term.  For example, on the search “how to do yoga” you  can see from the examples below that results are not just websites and blog articles, but Google has inserted top video results in the top results.  Of course these videos have been optimized for video search engine optimization, a topic I’ll cover in a later article.



Even though 48 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, a Forrester study from Jan 2010 suggested that a product page with a video on it, is 53 times more likely to achieve a page one listing on Google.

Video Results Get More Clicks

Not only does video increase your page rank and increases your chances of getting on the first page of Google, but video search results also get more clicks.

According to a study by aimClear in March 2011, more people clicked on video results. “Videos in universal search results have a 41% higher click through rate than plain text“, said aimClear’s Manny Rivas.

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Top Benefits of Video Search Engine Optimization


If you don’t have video on your website and want to take advantage of the many benefits video can bring to your website and your bottom line, contact iGo Sales and Marketing.  We have resources to help you plan, shoot and optimize your video for video search engine optimization.  Contact us for a free review of your on-line marketing strategy and how video can help bring you the results you need.

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