Massive Networks

The client just underwent a rebranding and needed their website constructed to match the new branding and add modern features and functionality to their new website.  This project was a complete custom B2B website built from graphic designer’s specifications.  iGo build a modular customized page builder making it easy for the client to use and re-use pre-built layouts throughout their site so all they have to do is edit text and images, while the pre-built designs enforce branding and styling guidelines from the client’s recent rebranding.

Key Features:

  • Modular pre-build page sections for future use
  • Service page landing pages for each service that the client can expand and add more services with the custom page builder.
  • Custom landing page builder so client can build multiple landing pages for online promotions.
  • Completely custom theme
  • All contact forms integrated with SuiteCRM so leads push directly into their CRM.
  • Google Tag Manager on all forms for tracking purposes
  • Sortable and searchable glossary of terms
  • Custom post type for case studies to showcase client’s success stories
  • Built for speed and simple, clean user interface
  • Floating popup call to action buttons that initiate modal popup.

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