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How to Create Automated Recalls in SuiteCRM: A Step-by-Step Guide

Automated Recall Tutorial in SuiteCRM

Automating recalls in SuiteCRM with workflow can be a huge time saver, ensuring you never miss a follow-up with your contacts. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through setting up automated recalls while logging the current call, using calculated fields and workflows in SuiteCRM. This process will streamline your follow-up activities and enhance your efficiency.

What do we mean by recalls? Well, once you’ve logged a call with client or prospect, generally your next step is to setup the next call. Without this worklfow, you’d have to create a new planned call, which takes time! With this workflow you can make one easy selection and automatically create a recall scheduled for the future without any wasted time.


Before you start, ensure you have the following fields created in your call module:

Step 1: Create the Workflow

The workflow is the core of this automation. Set up the workflow to trigger when the next callback is not equal to “blank” and the status is either held or not held. It’s essential to run this in the scheduler if you want relationships to contacts and other modules to work correctly, as they are created after saving and won’t be available to create relationships in the new record immediately.

Step 2: Calculate the Fields

Since workflows calculate fields in the existing record, not the newly created one, you’ll need to do some trickery. Here’s the step-by-step process:

  1. Calculate recall_date_time_c: This must be a date/time field in the existing call record.
  2. Set the Next Call Back: Use a parameter {P0}, which will be the number of days from now you want to schedule the call.

The formula to calculate the recall_date_time_c field considering server time differences (assuming your server time is 4 hours ahead) is:

{addDays(m/d/Y h:iA;{subtractHours(m/d/Y h:iA; {now(m/d/Y h:iA )};4)};{P0})}

For SuiteCRM 8 (with lowercase am/pm):

{addDays(m/d/Y h:ia;{subtractHours(m/d/Y h:ia; {now(m/d/Y h:ia )};4)};{P0})}

Simplified, this translates to (note this is not actual code, just a conceptualization):

codeadd days((now - 4 hours); add {P0})

Step 3: Create the New Call

Now, use the calculated value of recall_date_time_c to set up the new call:

  1. Set the Duration: Ensure the duration is set (e.g., “15” minutes). The workflow won’t work without setting a duration.
  2. Start Date: Set the start date to the recall_date_time_c value you just calculated.
  3. Populate Other Fields: Equate or populate the remaining fields as necessary.

Step 4: Add the Relationships

To relate the new call to the same contact as the original call, add the necessary relationships. This ensures continuity and proper tracking of follow-up activities.

Benefits of Setting Up This Recall Workflow

Implementing automated recalls in SuiteCRM offers several advantages:

Watch the Complete SuiteCRM Workflow Tutorial

For a detailed walkthrough, watch the video tutorial embedded below:

Contact Us

If you need assistance with SuiteCRM development or consulting, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you optimize your CRM workflows and improve your sales processes.

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